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American Metalcore band, Bad Omens, released a brand new single titled 'Like A Villain' on 19th January 2022 from their upcoming album 'The Death of Peace of Mind' set to be released on 25th February 2022 via Sumerian Records.

First Impressions

'Like A Villain' opens in the usual Bad Omens style, with a heavy instrumental transitioning into Noah Sebastian's angelic-devilish vocals. This track is truly a bop (yes... a bop), it's one you can put on, sing along & bop to but you also know that this track live will be epic and a great one for crowd interaction.

The Album So Far

'The Death of Peace Of Mind' is set for release on 25th February 2022 and the band have only released 3 singles so far, each one (in my opinion) being a masterpiece. Our favourite track so far is 'Artificial Suicide' which was released on 7th January 2022. Bad Omens have really improved over the last few years and with every release they seem to be getting better and better, showing that they've got something huge coming.

Personally, I don't think 'The Death of Piece of Mind' is going to be Bad Omens huge album. My gut feeling there next release is going to skyrocket them to incredible heights, this album is just a big stepping stone. That's not me saying this album isn't going to be huge, it really is but whatever they release next I predict is going to be THE album of their career.

The Final Score

We discovered Bad Omens with their 2016 self titled album release, with the track 'The Worst in Me' and it was that song that got us interested, but in 2019 with the release of 'Finding God Before God Finds Me' and the track 'Dethrone' is the moment we realised that Bad Omens have true potential to be amongst the biggest artists in the industry, and they're almost there.

What do we rate 'Like A Villain'?

9/10 💀

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